Hillary Clinton's New Hampshire slide continues, while Mitt Romney increases his lead
It is not quite a collapse. But given how inevitable Hillary Clinton's nomination seemed just two weeks ago, her slide in most polls taken this week is truly remarkable. Earlier this week, a Rasmussen poll had Obama cutting Clinton's lead by 13% in the New Hampshire primary, reducing a 23% edge to 10%. And today, Marist confirms the trend and shows a very similar tightening of the Democratic race:
One major question, however: Can Obama hope to bring Hillary down if he does not make a dent in her support among women? Could Hillary possibly lose if she got 45% of the female vote?!
Meanwhile, the opposite phenomenon is appearing in the GOP primary:
- Hillary Clinton led 41% to Obama's 20% in October. Today, it's 36% to 25%. A 21% lead has been reduced to 11%.
- John Edwards follows at 14%, while Bill Richardson's continues his slow decline, coming in at 6%.
- There is some good news for Clinton in the poll, however. For one, her support is much stronger than her opponents'. 64% of Hillary supporters say they are strong supporters, against only 49% of Obama's and 46% of Edwards. Also, 53% of New Hampshire Democrats say Hillary is the most electable come next November. Finally, there is no "anti-Hillary majority" her rivals can hope to tap into. Hillary is by far the top second choice of Edwards and Obama backers.
- One last lesson from the poll: Most of Hillary's slide comes from male voters (she loses 9 points among them), especially those above 45 (-14). Hillary remains stable among female voters, winning that group with 45%! Hillary also continues crushing Obama among lower-income and non-educated voters.
One major question, however: Can Obama hope to bring Hillary down if he does not make a dent in her support among women? Could Hillary possibly lose if she got 45% of the female vote?!
Meanwhile, the opposite phenomenon is appearing in the GOP primary:
- Mitt Romney's lead seemed to be declining in all NH polls in October. Marist had his edge down to 6%.
- In today's poll, he is leading 33% to 22% for Rudy Giuliani.
- John McCain maintains his third-place, though not as strong as we have seen him sometimes. He has 13%.
- Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee tie for fourth place, stunningly, at 7%!! This means that Fred Thompson is sixth at 5%. This confirms every other poll we have seen lately: Thompson is so weak in the state that his candidacy could die there. Could he make an argument that he is still viable if he comes in at 5% in New Hampshire?
Collapse my ass. More and more people are waking up to the fact that Hillary is the ONLY candidate with these 4 attributes: compassion, integrity, loyalty, and patriotism. I double dog dare you to find another candidate with those attribute. Newsflash: there isn't one.
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 16:17
Hillary will pick a GOVERNOR as VP:
1. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D): Hillary has to win New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona and Florida.
2. Ohio Governor Ted Strickland (D).
3. Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius (D): she's won 4 statewide elections in a Red State as State Insurance Commissioner in 1994 and 1998 and Governor's Mansion in 2002 and 2006.
4. Former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack (D)
5. North Carolina Governor Mike Easley (D)-unless he wants to be a United States Senator in 2010.
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 16:58
It'll be better for the US if the Democratic primary voters dump Hillary rather than let her slip through to be dumped on at the GE.
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 17:38
"Hillary is the ONLY candidate with these 4 attributes: compassion, integrity, loyalty, and patriotism. I double dog dare you to find another candidate with those attribute."
er...Hillary doesn't have integrity. So she doesn't have all 4.
but Ron Paul does.
I did the double dog dare.
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 17:55
Hillary is owned by corp america. Almost any democrat would be better than her. But the best candidate overall is Dr Ron Paul. He aspires to all four attributes of compassion, integrity, loyalty, and patriotism.
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
Can you say this about your candidate?
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 18:15
Ron Paul is climbing quickly--from 4% to 7% in the past week in NH, as word gets out about him.
JL Bryan, At
10 November, 2007 18:29
Ron Paul is climbing - from 2% to 7% in less than a month! Do we have some work to do? Yep! Will we get it done? You know it! We got your back Dr. Paul!
Ron Paul for the WIN!
Be a part of history again, pledge to give Ron Paul $100 on December 16th! Sign up at www.TeaParty07.com
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 18:56
Yesterday, Rasmussen had Ron Paul at 6% nationally. Today, it seems that Ron Paul is at 7% in New Hampshire.
If he gets to 12%, it will probably mean he overtook McCain for third place.
Ron Paul placing 3rd in New Hampshire will be huge news.
How do New Hampshire delegates get divvied up?
I know NY and NJ will give 100% of their delegates to Guiliani when he wins there. But other states divvy up according to district results and account for 2nd and 3rd place finishes.
Tennesse expects you to get 20% of the vote statewide or in districts to be allotted any delegates.
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 19:39
As more people hear Ron Paul's message you will continue to see his poll numbers increase.
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 21:51
Being a woman, I could NEVER vote for Hillary. The corruption surrounding that woman is worse than GWB and his cronies in DC. No thanks. I will not vote for evil or the lesser of evils ever again. Americans want to take their country back from the death grip of big business and globalists. Thank God for Ron Paul.
Unknown, At
10 November, 2007 22:09
If the American people do not have the good sense to elect Ron Paul in 2008, then it doesn't much matter whether Hillary or JulieAnnie wins. The former would bankrupt the country with her Marxist domestic agenda, while the latter would bankrupt the country with his nation/empire building, world policing military adventurism. Given that choice I would probably vote for Hillary in order to protect my 16 and 23 year old sons from being conscripted to go and get maimed or killed in some stupid neocon war zone like Iraq, a waste of life which would only serve to make the country more hated and less safe for their older brothers and sisters.
In either case maybe it will take the complete economic collapse caused by one of these two sides of the same bankrupt political coin, to finally wake up the electorate to the futility of continuing to elect more of the same CFR/NWO corporate/banking elitist puppets, and then they will be open to voting for Dr. Paul, or his ideological successor, in 2012.
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 23:23
Being and female and a nurse, I could never vote for Hilary. She said and I quote, "Nurses are glorified baby sitters" when she was trying to bring in socialized medicine under her husband's presidency. She also wants to continue the war.
Anonymous, At
10 November, 2007 23:44
I wouldn't worry too much about Ron Paul's polling record. The poll is based on Republicans who voted in the previous election, and its obvious that there are going to be very few people who supported Bush in 2004 that would support Ron Paul in 2008. If they're going to base their polls on who the neocons would vote for, than its a good thing that Ron Paul is polling low numbers.
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 00:01
The media is owned by 2 main sources the information directed through media except the internet is all controlled and bias.
It about time to get someone other than a lawyer in office and stop embracinging what the new world order is trying to sell us and take it back.
Ron paul for the victory.
This is a very pivotal point in our countries history get it right let go of the illusions that the big corps and big goverment are selling you for once and get involved.
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 09:00
People are finding out the truth about just how two faced and unexperienced Hillary is, to hold the highest office in the land.
With her pro war Iraq and Iran stances, she is going to lose in 08.
Also I don't think many people want another ultra liberal socialist in the White House over spending the taxpayers monies, creating bigger debts for Americans in the future.
Screaming Freedom, At
11 November, 2007 11:04
President Hillary Clinton = GOP Congress.
Since so many Democrats are willing to support Hillary and her Bush-style foreign policy, this independent voter decided to take a look at the GOP. Guess who I found? Ron Paul!
Can you imagine the integrity of Ron Paul matched up against the two-faced Hillary? Democrats are idiots for thinking Hillary best represents them. How can Clinton supporters support her hawkish and fuzzy position on the issues? Simple, just accuse the other side of not wanting a woman in power. Reminds me of Bush- if you disagree with him you must be unAmerican.
p.s. I'm not a spammer; I'm a dad, husband, homeowner, and business owner that lives in a liberal area that I'm now determined to turn into a libertarian area.
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 11:28
Vote for Hillary: compassion, integrity, loyalty, and patriotism. Why should we vote for a candidate who questions the loyalty, compassion, integrity, and patriotism of every other candidate? What will the tune be after she wins the nom? Sorry I dragged all you guys through the mud, but now we really have to beat the Republicans? Why does she insist on turning everyone off? Is that the best strategy to win? I have a soft spot for Hillary from her earnest days at Wellesley, but when I read comments like this from her supporters I get ill--why does everyone else have to suck for me to vote for Hillary? I only hope you are some kind of oppo plant, because you are not doing her any favors.
....., At
11 November, 2007 13:35
Ron Paul!
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 13:43
"er...Hillary doesn't have integrity. So she doesn't have all 4.
but Ron Paul does.
I did the double dog dare."
LOL, nice!
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 15:50
Ron Paul is the only sensible candidate for president. Hillary is corrupt. The fact that most of her supporters are low educated should tell you something.
Anish, At
11 November, 2007 15:57
Hillary wants to spend even more federal money than Bush. How to keep up the War in Iraq and Afghanishtan, attack Iran, support a collapsing regime in Pakistan ($10 Billion already) AND then take care of America's collapsing bridges, crumbling roads, not to mention the jobless, hopeless American Middle and Working classes ...
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 16:44
Everyone should not base your opinions on the spin that the mainstream media puts out.
Regardless if you like or hate Dr Paul's supporters or Dr Paul the person, educate yourselves on the issues that Dr Paul addresses and the character behind the person before forming an opinion.
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 16:45
Tell your Christian friends in Iowa and New Hampshire to read this editorial about Mike Huckabee before casting their vote:
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 21:58
I cannot wait for NH to see what Ron Paul is all about in coming weeks! And I can't wait to donate again on Dec. 16th!
Unknown, At
11 November, 2007 22:21
I would trust Ron Paul with my wallet anyday!!!
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 22:38
Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who will bring the troops home from Iraq right now. He also wants to eliminate the IRS!! He's got my vote!!
Anonymous, At
11 November, 2007 22:43
Hillary is an evil person. Do some research. With a guy like Ron Paul running we no longer need to justify people like her by saying things like she's better than other people... blah blah. Crazy. She's evil people. Full Stop.
Anonymous, At
12 November, 2007 03:12
Sorry but NJ is not for Guiliani. Our delegates will be giving their votes to Dr Paul!
We the meetups are finding the excitement in NJ for Dr Paul while we are collecting signatures!
Anonymous, At
12 November, 2007 07:40
Hard to imagine anyone in NY or NJ voting for Giuliani. He isn't well liked there and he shouldn't be.
Hillary wants $5,000 per child and socialized medicine..no thanks.
Truth and integrity and a plan to save the economy and make the nation a beacon to freedom and prosperity..Dr Ron Paul..there aren't any substitutes!!
Anonymous, At
12 November, 2007 11:28
The only difference between Hillary and Rudy is the dress size.
Anonymous, At
12 November, 2007 14:32
Pon Raul is nucking futs!
Anonymous, At
12 November, 2007 21:37
Pon Raul is nucking futs!
Anonymous, At
12 November, 2007 21:37
Ron Paul is cucking frazy.
Anonymous, At
12 November, 2007 21:38
Personally I do hope that Hillary loses the nomination. I do not think that she can restore the US's standing in the world simply because she is too close to the Buch administration. However, saying that she wants to create a socialised health care system is simply fasle. She wants to give the same access to medical insurance that members of Congress enjoy! That is not even close to the system that every other industrialised nation possesses and enjoys(England, Canada, Germany, to name a few).
In all honesty, I really do not see what the problem would be in adopting such a system. It would help businesses because they would not have to pay for their employees health insurance, thereby lowering their costs (and presumably passing the savings along to the consumers). People would save money as well because they would not have to pay extra to stay healthy: they would get the medical care they needed and not have to make sacrifices (e.g. choose between buying groceries or buying prescription drugs).
I am so tired of right-wing operatives, pundits and candidates trying to scare people about the "evils" of socialised medicine. Do they really think that the country will suddenly turn commi and everyone with start speaking Russian? The truth of the matter is, a federal healthcare system pays for itself: if more people are healthy because they can have access to quality health care (and not pay extra for it), then more people can work (generating more revenu the for government). And if people have more disposible income, then they can inject more money in the economy.
Anonymous, At
24 November, 2007 14:59
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