
Senate news: Democrats get a new candidate in North Carolina

  • Hagan runs in North Carolina
Democrats finally got an elected official to jump in the race. State Senator Kay Hagan has agreed to run against incumbent Republican Elizabeth Dole. Up to now, the only Democrat in the race was investment banker Jim Neal who got in the race two weeks ago. Many are upset that the DSCC redoubled recruitment efforts only when it became clear that Neal was openly gay, but that is definitely unfair. Dole is supposed to be vulnerable, and the DSCC has been trying to find a top-tier candidate for months... and an elected state senator is definitely more competitive than an investment banker. A poll taken in July of a Hagan-Dole race had Dole up 43-27, definitely much ahead by under 50% against a mostly unknown opponent. This definitely remains a long-shot for Democrats, but they can at least try to mount a strong challenge.

  • Poll in New Mexico
Martin Chavez, the main Democrat running in the New Mexico Senate race, released an internal poll of the Senate race today, pitting him and Republican Heather Wilson. The poll has the two tied, with Chavez at 41% and Wilson at 40%. This is certainly not that good news for the Democrat... not only can an internal poll never fully be trusted, but everyone noticed that Chavez did not release the numbers pitting him and the other Republican candidate, Steve Pearce, who many now see as the stronger general election competitor. In the first poll of the race released by SUSA last month, Chavez and Wilson were roughly tied but Chavez badly trailed Pearce.

Democrats are probably still looking for another candidate to make this as competitive a race as it should be. There has been some speculation about Rep. Udall jumping back in the Senate race... and there is new speculation now that Bill Richardson might still be considering to jump in the Senate race and out of the Democratic primaries.

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