May 6th polls suggest split decision, with Clinton gaining some ground in NC
May 6th now appears to be Barack Obama's last hope to force Hillary Clinton out of the race before the end of primary season. The latest polls from Indiana and North Carolina suggest a split decision, a result that would be most damaging to Clinton's campaign though not enough to force her out of the race:
ARG, PPP and SUSA suggest that Clinton can meet such expectations; a mid-single digit North Carolina loss and a double-digit Indiana victory are within her grasp and a small shift in her favor in the next week would easily push her above the threshold in both states. Note, however, that Clinton's numbers in Indiana are among the most favorable to Clinton that are being recorded; some Indiana surveys have Obama leading (LA Times/Bloomberg, for instance).
Furthermore, Clinton benefited from a post-Pennsylvania bounce this week that is likely reflected in these numbers. Whether she can keep her momentum going, of course, is the question. For now, Gallup's latest tracking poll suggests that Clinton has managed to close the gap with Obama and challenged his claim to inevitability but she has not wrestled away an advantage. The two candidates have been in a statistical tie for three days now, with Obama regaining the smallest of edges today (47% to 46%; in the general election, Clinton is still leading McCain by 3% while Obama is tied with the Republican).
- Survey USA released a poll from Indiana showing Clinton in the lead, 52% to 43%. This is the same winning margin Clinton enjoyed at the beginning of April; two weeks ago, she led by 16%.
- The partisan gap is less dramatic than in some other Indiana polls we have seen, but Clinton polls much better among registered Democrats (+12%) while Obama narrowly leads among registered Republicans and independents. As expected, Obama's strongest regions are Indianapolis (where he leads by 9%) and Northern Indiana (bordering Illinois), but he only has a statistically insignificant 1% edge in the latter.
- In North Carolina, meanwhile, ARG finds Obama leading by 52% to 42%. This is essentially the same margin as last week, when Obama lead by 11%.
- Clinton keeps the race within single-digits among registered Democrats, 51% to 43%, while Obama trounces her 58% to 35% among independents.
- Update: Well, well, well: PPP just released its latest poll from North Carolina and, while Obama is still way ahead, there is some major movement in Clinton's direction. Obama leads 51% to 39%; last week, he was ahead by 25% so his lead has been cut by half since the Pennsylvania primary.
- PPP had been showing 20%+ Obama leads in North Carolina for a few weeks now, so last week's survey wasn't isolated. Note that PPP's turnout model appears to be favorable to Obama; PPP predicted a 4% victory for Barack in PA. Did they change their turnout model accordingly, or did Clinton pick up 13% within the original model?
ARG, PPP and SUSA suggest that Clinton can meet such expectations; a mid-single digit North Carolina loss and a double-digit Indiana victory are within her grasp and a small shift in her favor in the next week would easily push her above the threshold in both states. Note, however, that Clinton's numbers in Indiana are among the most favorable to Clinton that are being recorded; some Indiana surveys have Obama leading (LA Times/Bloomberg, for instance).
Furthermore, Clinton benefited from a post-Pennsylvania bounce this week that is likely reflected in these numbers. Whether she can keep her momentum going, of course, is the question. For now, Gallup's latest tracking poll suggests that Clinton has managed to close the gap with Obama and challenged his claim to inevitability but she has not wrestled away an advantage. The two candidates have been in a statistical tie for three days now, with Obama regaining the smallest of edges today (47% to 46%; in the general election, Clinton is still leading McCain by 3% while Obama is tied with the Republican).
We will see what happens since the polls have been all over the place. A very close result in IN (1-2% either way) and an Obama victory of say 12% or more woul dbe good news for him. Clinton needs to win IN by 9-10% and keep NC to 5% or less.
I cannot see her doing either of those things as it stands. Any momentum from PA will fade and this election season has not been big on momentum.
Anonymous, At
28 April, 2008 15:19
Actually Clinton has a good shot at winning Indiana by double digits althrough the polls that Taniel states are probably the result of a post-PA bounce. An AP poll was released which shows Clinton ahead of McCain by 9 points while Obama is only ahead by 2 points, probably another indication of a post PA bounce. I doubt that Clinton will enjoy this bounce for long as there is still a week until the next primaries.
On SC I do think that she needs to get into single digits but I don't think that she needs to get within 5 points to be seen as credible. The main goal for Clinton in SC isn't to win but to keep her margins down so I think that a 8% or lower loss in SC coupled with a double digit win in ID for Clinton would be enough for SDs to start doubting Obama. She is on the cusp of single digits in the most recent polling, but if she isn't there already with the post PA boos she is unlikely to get next tuesday when her boost will almost undoubtly fade just as it had for Obama after his sweeping victories in post super-tuesday february.
Anonymous, At
28 April, 2008 15:37
Jaxx - it is NC not SC. Quite different states.
I agree she could win IN but Obama will win NC by at least 10 (some people think 9.2% is the new 10 as in PA).
Lets see what happens in the next 8 days with advertising, visits, and events.
Anonymous, At
28 April, 2008 15:52
I think what is not known or measurable right now is the effect of the Republican attack ads associating Obama and his pastor. Those ads specifically target Democratic candidates and their association with Wright through Obama. Logically, the associations are spurious, but emotionally they might be effective at the margins. If they show any type of traction, either in the polls or at the voting booths, then the superdelegates will avoid Obama like the plague.
In an electorate where a 1-3% swing at the margins is the difference between a landslide win and a loss, both Republicans and superdelegates will take notice if this tactic proves effective.
Anonymous, At
28 April, 2008 16:56
Pastor Wright's assertion that blacks have a racially based learning disability in that their brains are predominantly right controlled seems to explain the nastiness of Obamans and certainly makes blacks incapable of holding positions of responsibility. That's a pretty rude commentary on one's own race. I find that problem to be rampant among the religious and in no way racial. Plenty of religious white folks suffer from that problem. That's what makes social wedge issues effective.
Anonymous, At
28 April, 2008 17:08
Go take a look at the crosstabs for SUSA for Indiana:
black vote:
Clinton: 16%
Obama: 79%
Does anyone in the world think that Obama is going to only get 79% of the black vote, after he has been getting over 90% of the black vote everywhere else?
That being said, polls tend to narrow, then widen, then narrow, then widen. We will have to wait and see.
And IN may be one of the hardest states of all to peg, since not is it an open primary, but the state does not publish voter registration stats broken down by party, but rather, only gives a number of registered voters per party.
This means that 2,000,000 republicans could wake up on May 6, look in the mirror, give a devilish grin and say, "hmmmmm, I think I will go vote for Hillary Clinton today, just for the hell of it."
Most likely, those IN polls will narrow again and then re-open before May 6.
And Obama will win NC easily with double digits.
Anon 17:08 - totally, 100% inappropriate comments. Totally. Only a Clinton fan would have the gall to write such stuff. Puke.
Statistikhengst, At
28 April, 2008 17:44
Mark only a scummy Obaman would think that this topic is inappropriate. Brain research proves Wright's comments were not accurate when it comes to race, only religiosity. If you can't handle that then go to your temple and leave the real world alone. If Obama's too stupid to know better than to practice gypsy superstitions then he's too stupid to be president.
Anonymous, At
28 April, 2008 17:59
As I said 2 months ago, Obama is done!!!!!!!
Anonymous, At
28 April, 2008 19:42
Anon 17:59 Once again, a coward, and a racist one at that, hiding behind his anonymity. Sorry soul.
And the whacko comment about temple makes no sense, unless it's coming from an anti-semite.
Statistikhengst, At
29 April, 2008 12:03
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