The who's who of targeted House Democrats
The NRCC is running a very small ad buy in local newspapers targeting 19 House Democrats for allegedly voting to cut Medicare during their vote in favor of the SCHIP bill. SCHIP is the children health insurance program set to expire soon that Democrats are seeking to extend by fighting Republican resistance and the threat of a presidential veto. The bill contains some cuts to the private Medicare Advantage plan, which is what the GOP is using to attack Democrats.
The list of target congressmen reveals where the battle for House control will play out in 2008, for these are really the who'se who of targeted House Dems. And these unhappy 19 are: Jason Altmire (PA-04), Melissa Bean (Il-08), Chris Carney (PA-10), Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-20), John Hall (NY-19), Darlene Hooley (OR-5), Steve Kagen (WI-8), Nick Lampson (TX-22), Jim Matheson (UT-2), Jerry McNerney (CA-11.), Harry Mitchell (AZ-05), Dennis Moore (KS-03), Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23), Carol Shea-Porter (NH-1), Zack Space (OH-18), Bart Stupak (MI-1), and Tim Walz (MN-1.).
Zach Space might have an especially large target on his back given that the NRCC had already ran ads just against him last month on this very same issue. And of the 19, 17 were on my latest list of competitive or potentially competitive House. Only Bart Stupak (a staunchly pro-life Dem who represents a blue district) and Darlene Hooley are surprises. Hooley is reportedly setting herself for a rematch against Republican businessman Mike Erickson who spent 1 million of his own money in 2006 to lose 54 to 42%. The NRCC is apparently willing to back Erickson this time, so they might be able to make this race competitive. I am adding it to the potentially competitive races to keep an eye on for now.
In other House news, Virginia Rep. Tom Davis just proved why a moderate Republican is still a Republican. Davis wrote a letter today to House Oversight Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, requesting hearings on whether the NYT broke the law by running the Petreaus "Betray Us" ad last week. Davis writes that, by offering a rebate rate, the NYT might have engaged in an "unlawful campaign contribution" and "corruption." Davis naturally blatantly ignores the fact that the NYT gives rebates to many groups that run frequent ads on its pages, and proves that the GOP is still planning on milking this story. This letter should also be read in the contest of the Virginia Senate race. Davis is planning on jumping in but will likely face a bloody and divisive primary against the more conservative Jim Gilmore. Davis might be trying to prove his rightist credentials in preparation for that race.
The list of target congressmen reveals where the battle for House control will play out in 2008, for these are really the who'se who of targeted House Dems. And these unhappy 19 are: Jason Altmire (PA-04), Melissa Bean (Il-08), Chris Carney (PA-10), Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-20), John Hall (NY-19), Darlene Hooley (OR-5), Steve Kagen (WI-8), Nick Lampson (TX-22), Jim Matheson (UT-2), Jerry McNerney (CA-11.), Harry Mitchell (AZ-05), Dennis Moore (KS-03), Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23), Carol Shea-Porter (NH-1), Zack Space (OH-18), Bart Stupak (MI-1), and Tim Walz (MN-1.).
Zach Space might have an especially large target on his back given that the NRCC had already ran ads just against him last month on this very same issue. And of the 19, 17 were on my latest list of competitive or potentially competitive House. Only Bart Stupak (a staunchly pro-life Dem who represents a blue district) and Darlene Hooley are surprises. Hooley is reportedly setting herself for a rematch against Republican businessman Mike Erickson who spent 1 million of his own money in 2006 to lose 54 to 42%. The NRCC is apparently willing to back Erickson this time, so they might be able to make this race competitive. I am adding it to the potentially competitive races to keep an eye on for now.
In other House news, Virginia Rep. Tom Davis just proved why a moderate Republican is still a Republican. Davis wrote a letter today to House Oversight Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, requesting hearings on whether the NYT broke the law by running the Petreaus "Betray Us" ad last week. Davis writes that, by offering a rebate rate, the NYT might have engaged in an "unlawful campaign contribution" and "corruption." Davis naturally blatantly ignores the fact that the NYT gives rebates to many groups that run frequent ads on its pages, and proves that the GOP is still planning on milking this story. This letter should also be read in the contest of the Virginia Senate race. Davis is planning on jumping in but will likely face a bloody and divisive primary against the more conservative Jim Gilmore. Davis might be trying to prove his rightist credentials in preparation for that race.
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