Slow posting apology
I apologize for today's exceptionally slow posting. 24 hours from the Pennsylvania primary this is certainly a crucial day and there will be a lot to cover when I get to writing later today.
For now, battle away but please keep it civil and polite. The comment thread in my previous post is getting out of hand.
For now, battle away but please keep it civil and polite. The comment thread in my previous post is getting out of hand.
Hey don't forget the new Hillary ad. I love it. It addresses Obama's weakness and takes three attacks out of McCain's GE arsenal.
Anonymous, At
21 April, 2008 15:49
Lots of polls out today. I give more weight to SUSA since they seem the most accurate (predicted OH exactly). Interesting that they now have Clinton winning by 6% - last week was 14%. Normally they do not have big swings. Looks like a high single digits victory but....
there is still 5-10% undecided and they will usually break Clinton's way 2:1 so that will help 2-3%, so she could still reach 10% victory.
The key thing is differential turnout and who gets their supporters out. Differential turnout in say Philadelphia would benefit Obama by a few %, likewise if there is higher turnout in the more blue collar areas then Clinton will do better than the polls show. However it looks very unlikely that she will win by the 15% or so she needed to get great momentum going into IN and NC.
Anonymous, At
21 April, 2008 16:05
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